Libro Longman pronunciation dictionary. Con CD-ROM

Guarda la scheda del libro Longman pronunciation dictionary. Con CD-ROM scritto da John Wells con l’editore Pearson Longman nel Aprile 2008.

Longman pronunciation dictionary. Con CD-ROM

Longman pronunciation dictionary. Con CD-ROM



    Recensione Libro

    • EAN ISBN: 9781405881180
    • Pubblicazione: Aprile 2008
    • Editore: Pearson Longman
    • Pagine: 922
    • Autore: John Wells


    *135,000 pronuncaitions of words in both British & American English * over 200 graphs showing pronunciaiton preferences of British & American speakers * stress patterns for thousands of compounds & idioms * more than 50 Spelling-to-sound boxes and 35 Language Panels * thousands of proper names * pronunciation in the lanugage of origin as well as English…

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