Libro Mathematical logic for computer science. An introduction. Ediz. italiana

Leggi la recensione del libro Mathematical logic for computer science. An introduction. Ediz. italiana scritto da Dino Mandrioli con l’editore Esculapio nel Dicembre 2012.

Mathematical logic for computer science. An introduction. Ediz. italiana

Mathematical logic for computer science. An introduction. Ediz. italiana



Recensione Libro

  • EAN ISBN: 9788874883738
  • Pubblicazione: Dicembre 2012
  • Editore: Esculapio
  • Pagine: 80
  • Autore: Dino Mandrioli


In the recent decades mathematical logic has become more and more important in computer science and, in general, in system engineering. In fact, by definition, it is the wey of expressing our reasoning in terms of mathematical formalism, thus supplying it with the typical rigor and precision of mathematics. Not by chance, automatic information processing is now pervasive and we find it practically in any human activity and artefact, from embedded…

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